
Waiting for baby....

I am now a day overdue which I thought would NEVER happen! I feel like I am weeks overdue. With this being my 4th pregnancy and all the others came so early, I foolishly expected an earlier arrival than after my due date at least. I am a little emotionally drained with wondering every day and trying to be prepared with the house, laundry, food, etc just in case. And my mom is leaving town Monday because we thought for sure it would be before my due date so she scheduled a trip. And I am a little bit stressed... I am probably doing it to myself with my stress and fears about this labor, delivery and recovery. I had to switch Midwifery groups and hospitals at 39 weeks due to some major issues with the first one. And they had misdiagnosed my group b strep, so I have really been watched over. But now that all of that is taken care of, I am ready! Any time now baby girl...
40 weeks (never seen that before)

I have been bouncing on my ball, had my membranes stripped, got a chinese foot accupressure massage, had acupuncture for induction, took the kids to the zoo and walked around for 3 ½ hours, etc, etc. She is STUCK and very disinterested in making her appearance!

Glad we made it through my favorite weekend of the year (conference)! The kids were happy to get their tent, treats and cinnamon rolls.

At the zoo for our "walking" and I sure wore the kids out!

Best Visiting Teacher ever. She brought over a special "due date" basket full of goodies. Love it!

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